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More than 80% of executive officers in the United States are men.

New opportunities and growth have integrated more women into C-level positions. As technology needs increase, there is a demand to fill the roles. Regardless of your gender, even the most technical people can become an executive officer.

Keep reading below to discover the difference between a CIO vs CTO to see if they can improve your career or company!

Differentiating Officer Roles

When people think about corporate officers, they often picture a CEO, CFO, or COO.

Although these positions are well-known, several others play an essential role. CIOs and CTOs help work with company leaders to ensure productivity and efficiency. Not only do they streamline processes, but their jobs also overlap with operations.

Most companies specify these roles with an organizational chart. If you're involved with upper management, you can work with our team and receive help creating your chart. The info below will help you determine if your company has a void.

What is a CIO?

Chief information officers oversee management and help implement and streamline processes.

Operations officers focus on employee productivity and operations as a whole. Having a CIO in your company can prepare you for more technological issues holding your company back. A CIO helps manage all computer systems and software.

Managing these programs requires expert knowledge in the IT industry. They must protect the company from online threats and know how to diagnose various technology issues. Executive officers and staff rely on the CIO to keep production going smoothly and prevent data theft.

This position can be rather stressful, but there are plenty of resources to become a successful CIO. With our IT consultation, you can find guidance and recommendations when you encounter challenges.

What is a CTO?

The Chief technology officer overlaps, however, they focus efforts on research and development.

While the CIO is handling the day-to-day tasks and upkeep of technology, the CTO can find innovative solutions. With audits and research, they oversee technology-related items with their impact on the company. To be successful, a CTO must have more business knowledge than a CIO.

People who earn a business degree or IT degree often fall into this role. The purpose of the CTO is to make sure that business decisions align with the organization's goals and budget.

Nearly 40% of people working in the US have concerns about learning new technologies. It's the CTO's role to help train and implement learning opportunities to ensure staff can do their job efficiently.

What Makes a Person Successful in Each Role?

Since a CIO and CTO have similar positions, it's important to understand what a successful executive looks like.

The CIO must rely more on their problem-solving abilities and search for ways to integrate technology. It takes a unique person to see the areas where companies lack and technology can improve production for the team.

CTOs don't need to rely on logic as much, but they need to think creatively. This person must find ways to incorporate tech to enhance the overall customer experience. These technologies could be focused on websites and applications, or also apply to in-store tech.

Frequent conversations and job reviews with the CEO can be beneficial in the short and long term. These discussions will provide the chance to uncover issues and find opportunities for advancing.

Customize Your Positions to Your Goals

With so much overlapping, you may discover that each company has a unique approach to defining its roles.

Eagle Point Tech has years of experience with IT employers and employees. We can help you create the most logical job descriptions based on your company's needs. This will prevent job ambiguity and help both people become successful.

Without a clear description, tension could become an issue. The CIO and CTO may not see eye to eye, so you'll need them to work with other executives. It helps to set boundaries and streamline processes to prevent confusion.

Tasks of a CIO vs CTO

It's the CIO's responsibility to manage IT, while the CTO works with engineering, research, and development.

A CTO focuses efforts on external relations with customers and vendors within the market. Chief information officers primarily deal with internal developments.

Sometimes, the CIO and CTO must work together to find new staff for the company. If you need help filling positions, Eagle Point Tech provides onsite staffing. Our team has carefully selected IT professionals across the industry who are motivated and proficient.

At the end of the day, a CIO ranks higher than a CTO, however, both positions are on the same level. Although the CIO ranks higher, both them and the CTO report directly to the CEO of the company.

Working as a Team

Eagle Point Tech does our best to help people in all positions excel in their careers.

The CIO spends a lot of time with the internal team to promote a safe and productive working environment. When the staff can focus on their jobs and have the tools to complete them, it becomes easier for the CTO to work with confidence.

The CTO strengthens customer and vendor relationships. If the internal team doesn't offer high-quality services and products, the CTO will hear about it in their meetings. Both the CIO and CTO work together to ensure projects run smoothly from start to finish.

It's important to note that the responsibilities of each position are constantly evolving. What may work for some time might have to be adjusted as your team adapts to the technology.

Is Your Executive Team Incomplete?

If you're looking at your organizational map and notice missing gaps, you may need another executive.

Learning the differences between a CIO vs CTO can help you identify which area of your company is lacking. With the right staff, your team can streamline processes and improve customer and employee happiness.

Take a look at our additional IT services and reach out to a team member to improve your business practices. Eagle Point Technology Solutions can streamline processes for all types of executive roles!

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